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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time to get ready

This weekend was a lovely lazy weekend.  Sunday the sun decided to come out warming the world around us.  Susan, a friend we hadn't seen for a while, came out for dinner with her son.  We sat on the deck sipping our drinks, putting the world to rights and listening to the sound of our happy kids drifting in off the beach.  John, my husband, popped off to the local country pub for a swift drink with his friends before dinner.  While there he met a couple, Matt and Julia,  who are currently driving round NZ.  John struck up a conversation with them and before long he returned home with his new friends.  Of course there was only one thing to do with new guests.  So we built a fire on the beach, cooked up some home grown sticky pork ribs while our new friends cooked up a curry, and Susan some pasta, for a pot luck tea.  We sat round the fire talking about food, traveling, movies and more.  As we ate and watched the fire flicker new friendships formed. 

The next morning I awoke to a find the flu had struck out home so i escaped and took our guests out to gather mussels for lunch.  While our 6 year old son cooked them in their natural juices int he log burner (absolutely beautiful) I sauteed some sliced onion and garlic, added some cider (we were out of wine) and steamed the mussels in the sauce.  cream was stirred in at the last moment and sprinkled with fresh herbs from the garden, served with a country loaf of fresh baked bread.  Matt and Julia had given us some Tamarillo from the west coast and these were perfect for an upside down cake for dessert, served warm with a  drizzle of cream.  the cake proved good comfort food to those feeling under the weather inside

I just love the way food has the ability to turn strangers into friends.

What else in the Kitchen
Last week our family shared its first hare stew.  I have to say everyone looked a little nervous as they tucked into their first bite of wild hare straight from the farm behind us.  The meat was wonderful and so tender I'm so impressed that I want it to be a regular on our table.  What a wonderful cheap way to provide a tasty meal and helping the farmers out at the same time.  I'm hoping to get out to have my first lesson at shooting my own hare once the weather gets a bit better and I shall be reporting back how that goes to you all.

Our ducks have started laying lovely white eggs, much to the children's excitement.  The eggs are wonderful for frying as they have a thicker texture than the chickens.  The also seem to do well in cakes but the Pavlova was a flop.  They definitely whisk different from a chicken egg.  Ive also used them to make a lovely quick and simple pasta dish so if your in a hurry one night give it a go (recipe at the end). 

The Garden
I saw my first swallow swoop by yesterday and the first buds of cherry blossom sleepily open.  Spring is just around the corner and I cant wait.

The coffee table is currently covered in seed trays and sprinkles of compost.  I'm planting out seeds at the  which I will move to a friends greenhouse to tenderly coax them to spring forth in frost free safety. We don't have our own greenhouse at the moment so I was so pleased when a neighbour decided to go to Australia for 3 months and leave me the use of his!

Its a great time to get started if you have a greenhouse or a sunny windowsill you can start off seeds on.  The seeds I'm planting out now will be going out in the garden in 4 - 6 weeks time and by then we should be into spring.  So what can you get started on at the moment?  Here's a list....

Basil, beetroot, cabbages (I've got 4 different ones), capsicum (I'm planting lots so I can make my own paprika), chili, leeks, lettuce, onions, thyme, tomato's and watermelon.

There are a few things that can be going out in the garden at the moment too.  Have a go at parsnips, peas, radishes and rocket.

If you live by the beach its a good time to get some sea weed tea going as well.  Simple fill a large dustbin half full with freshly gathered, rinsed seaweed.  Then fill to top with fresh water, put the lid on (if you live somewhere windy put a brink on top) and leave. In three weeks you can start using this liquid to fertilise your garden and give all your spring veggies a great boost right from the start!

Next month I'm very honoured to be a guest at the Akaroa Cook School doing a Pig in a Day there and I'm looking forward to the sausage sizzle cook off we have added in for the occasion.  There are still a couple of places left if anyone would like to join us in this fabulous location for a great day.

Fathers day Gift Certificates available.  These make a wonderful gift for any dad!  Let him come and learn how to make his own bacon for breakfast, sausages for the BBQ, salamis, ham and more!  With warmer weather on the way he will have lots of opportunities to show off his new skills.  for more details.

Recipe of the Week

2 - 3 slices of prosciutto (if you make your own thick slices are best) diced

2 cloves of garlic, minced

Green beans sliced (you could use a different veg if you want)

2 egg yolks


tagliatelle pasta

  1. place your pasta on to boil for 6 minuets (needs to be just underdone)
  2. Saute your prosciutto to release its fat then add garlic and saute
  3. when pasta is almost done drop your veg into the water for the last 2 minuets
  4. beat egg yolks and slowly add two ladles of water from the pasta to make a smooth sauce
  5. drain pasta and add to prosciutto and garlic, toss to coat
  6. pour on egg sauce, toss to coat,
  7. grate some cheese on top, toss to coat
  8. add a wee bit more cheese on top if you like, a sprinkle of fresh ground black pepper, fresh herb leaves and serve
Have a great week.